Saturday, April 4, 2009

My First!

Here goes my first attempt. I hope that I can be better at this than I am at checking my e-mail (haha!) There have been many people who have been after me for a very long time to set up a blog account.

This week has been a little hairy for us. We've had two funerals in our neighborhood. One was really tragic. A young father was killed in an auto accident. My sons are the same ages as two of his children. They wanted to do something special for them so we spent time making cards and running to Park City to purchase stuffed animals for them. My kindergartener took part in his class' "Little Piggy Opera". It was quite cute. Scouts, of course, took alot of energy. It was fun, though. I made plaster of paris digs for each of them. We learned about geology, and they uncovered several rocks. Eight year old boys thought it was great to be able to demolish something with permission!

KC and I went to dinner last night. We haven't done that for ages! Afterwards, we went to Smith's, bought a carton of icecream and ate straight from the carton on our way home. We've never done that before.

We got a foot of snow this week. Unfortunately, I was only able to sit down and make one set of cards. That was on Tuesday, I think. Of course it was a sympathy card due to our circumstances. I will have to try to post it soon. It's a little late tonight, though.

Hopefully I will be able to do more creating this upcoming week. My fingers are just itching to do so. However, I am learning that I have limitations. I cannot be superwoman, superwife, supermom, super everything and pregnant all at the same time. This one is taking it out of me. I am SO exhausted, and I have been overdoing it lately.

During General Conference today, Elder Robert D. Hales said, "Our success is determined not by our own strength but by the degree of our faith. Food for thought.

Have a great day!


  1. Love that quote. Recently dad told me something that kind of goes along with this (or at least we were talking about life, success and doing what we are supposed to). He said that to do something out of fear is not worthy or doing / won't last. But to do something out of love will make all the difference in the world. I think it takes a lot more strength to do something out of love and faith then to do something out of fear and faith.

    You had a busy week girl. Hope this next one is full of more peaceful adventures :)

  2. Way to go Dari! Nice job on blog... I really like it! Aunt Cindy
